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You are listening to ZS6SRL, the official radio station of the South African Radio League, the national body for amateur radio in South Africa, with a news bulletin every Sunday at 08:15 CAT in Afrikaans and at 08:30 CAT in English. To listen to a webstream, visit, click on ARMI and follow the links for details. PLEASE NOTE: for audio via Echolink, connect to ZS0JPL-R.

You can download this bulletin and previous ones from and also subscribe there to receive future bulletins by email.

Your newsreader this morning is (name), (call sign), on 145,725 and 7,066 MHz from Pretoria, with relays on 10,130, 7,066 and 3,695 MHz SSB.


It is sad to announce that tragic Airbus accident in Tripoli claimed the lives of 2 well known South African amateur radio operators namely Norbert Taferner, ZS6ANL, and his wife Paula and Anton Matthee, ZS6A.

Norbert was associated with the Division of Civil Aviation, which looks after safety in the air, and it is sad that his life came to an end in an aircraft accident. As far as it is known he leaves a son.

Anton is survived by his wife Ilse and two daughters Inge and Anja.

Norman Merrifield, ZS6NKM, died on Saturday 8 May 2010 after a very painful battle with cancer.

Our sincerest condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased.


In the news today:




You are listening to ZS6SRL. Stay tuned for more details on these and other important and interesting news items.


Geoffrey Levey ,ZS6GRL, has been appointed as the SARL Contest Manager. He has set himself the task to increase the participation in all the contests so that they become a popular event on the calendar once again. "I do not know the full reason why participation or interest waned in the contests, but we now have a chance to correct the situation", he said. "I am prepared to modify the contests viz. rules, scoring etc to make it easier for the submission of logs, but for this to happen I need your input.”

He said that he is aware of grumblings about some of the contests such as rules that have changed, scoring that is difficult and a host of other complaints. "If there were problems in the past between the SARL and the various clubs or individuals that caused this division, then let's put that all behind us and see if we can move forward with new ideas."

He also said that he is aware that the results of competitions are taking too long to be announced, and is planning on changing that situation. "I believe that the results should be announced within 12 days after the closing date for log submissions, to allow for postal submissions, and if certificates or prizes are to be awarded that they are posted shortly thereafter."

It is now your chance. If you would like to get involved in the planning of contests, or have positive suggestions, please drop Geoff an email to contest[at} Remember it is planned to have the draft copy of the contest "blue book" for 2011 ready by the end of August 2010.

Listen to an interview with Geoff on SARL's Amateur Radio Mirror International this morning or download it from the web for your club bulletin.


Full details of the Durban RTA programme are now available on The event will be held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal on Saturday 29 May 2010. Learn more about D-Star with Multisource. Find out how to improve the audio from your HF radio with a DSP kit and how to get involved with a simple radio direction finding system to take part in an ARDF event.

There are attractive attendance prizes sponsored by RS Components and others.

The cost of attendance is R50 which includes refreshment at lunch time. Students and Learners pay only R20.


The SARL will host a VHF/UHF/MICROWAVE Indaba on Saturday 26 June 2010 at the National Amateur Radio Centre at 12:00 for 13:00. The agenda includes discussions on VHF/UHF/Microwave operating, contesting and contest rules. Attendance is free, refreshment will be served and participants will take part in a lucky draw for an ARRL Antenna Book and free software.

Clubs are requested to discuss their activities and Contesting in the spectrum above 30 MHz at their club meetings and on the air activities and brief their delegates to put their suggestion and proposals on the Indaba table for discussion. Clubs not able to send one or more representatives are requested to send in their proposals and suggestion to To assist with arrangements please confirm attendance by email by 21 June. The address:

After the Indaba you are invited to join an informal dinner at a nearby restaurant at your own expense.

An intecnet is planned for Sunday 18 July 2010 at 19:30 to give feedback and discuss the plans formulated on a national level.


Visitors to South Africa during the Soccer World Cup event may operate amateur radio while in South Africa using the prefix ZS10 in front of their own callsign for example ZS10/G3XYZ.

The South African Radio League negotiated an agreement with the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to allow all licensed Radio Amateurs visiting South Africa during June and July 2010 to operate while in South Africa on condition that they register with the South African Radio League prior to arrival in the country. Full details and a registration form can be found on


The upcoming National RAE is taking place this Thursday 20 May 2010 at 19:00 at various examination centres around the country. There has been a record entry of 152 Candidates. The SARL would like to wish good luck to all candidates who are writing the examination. Please do not rush through your exam paper, there is plenty of time. Double check your answers before making a final choice.

Just a reminder to all Class B candidates that there are now 50 questions to complete. This was communicated at the National Convention of the SARL which was held in Port Elizabeth last month. There is still plenty of time to complete the examination in 60 minutes.


Today, 4 days before the real event, a three hour long sprint will commemorate the inauguration of the SARL on 20th May 1925, 85 years ago. The special call sign, ZS85SARL, will also be used for the first time during the contest. ZS85SARL will be on the air on phone from the Paarl on 80 and 40 m where it will be operated by the Boland Amateur Radio Club. . ZS85SARL will be on phone from Bloemfontein on 20 m. It will also be active on CW from Somerset West under the able hand of Vidi, ZS1EL.

The sprint will be on the air from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC (14:00 to 17:00 CAT). There are a large number of prizes to be won for individual achievements. In addition, all logs with more than 10 contacts will go into the lucky draw for an ARRL Handbook while the participant under 18 years of age on the day of the contest who achieves the highest score will also win an ARRL Handbook.

A special 85th Anniversary QSL card will also be available for stations who work ZS85SARL

Full details are on and have been published in SARL HF Happenings.

Contest Results.

The Contest Committee received fifteen logs and one check log for the SARL Hamnet 40 metre Simulated Emergency Contest. The winners are as follows:

Single Operator, Stationary Mobile - Geoff Levey, ZS6GRL;
Single Operator, Portable - Pierre van Deventer, ZS6BB;
Multi-operator Portable - 7P8BHF [Andries Visage, ZS6VL, and Michael Roodt, ZS6BHF]
Single Operator, Base station - Jan Botha, ZS4JAN.

The contest committee received four logs for the first leg of the SARL VHF/UHF analogue contest held in March 2010.

Multi operator station.
1st Pretoria ARC, ZS6PTA, 70 430 points;
2nd John Vorster Technological High School ARC, ZS6JVT, 2 264 points.

Single Operator Station.
1st Carl Minne, ZS6CBQ, 12 440 points;
2nd Philip Venter, ZS4PV, 2 561 points.

The contest committee received six logs for the first leg of the SARL 80 Metre QSO Party, this from 69 participants.

1st Jan Botha, ZS4JAN, 655 points;
2nd Phillip Esterhuizen, ZS4PJ, 645 points
3rd Theunis Potgieter, ZS2EC, 495 points.

The full results have been published in SARL HF Happenings 405, available on or by e-mail.


An important Flea Market for Radio Amateurs takes place on 5 June 2010 at 10:30 at the ZERABI reception centre located directly adjacent to the high-way approximately half-way between Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom.

Admission is free and no sales fees are charged, go and sell your items.
Braai facilities, braai packs, hotdogs, refreshments and a cash bar as well as sleep-over facilities are available. Go and enjoy yourself.

For enquiries phone Stef, ZS6AOK, at 082 773 5297.


Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is still at low levels. The earth facing side of the sun remains blank of sunspots and solar activity should remain at very low levels. The effective sunspot number is expected to be less than 10 for this week.

15 m will provide the best opportunities for DX followed by 17 and 20 m. Conditions to India will be good from the afternoons onwards. During the late afternoons and early evenings it will be good towards Europe. contacts with the USA are once again becoming challenging. Contacts with Australia and New Zealand will be challenging. During the afternoons and evenings 15 m contacts may also be possible with Brazil.

Local conditions are going to be good for this afternoon's SARL contest. Early in the afternoon 20 m will be best for the longer distance contacts. Later on 40 m will be best followed by 80 m late afternoon.

Please visit for further information.


16 May – SARL 85th Anniversary Sprint, 12:00-15:00 UTC;
20 May – RAE countrywide at 19:00;
21 May – Ray Webber’s and Duff Road old timers meet at 12:30 at Nino’s;
22 May - Special station ZS85SARL on the air at Ysterplaat;
29 May - RTA symposium in Durban;
5 June – Flea market at 10:30 at the ZERABI reception centre half-way between Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom;
26 June – VHF indaba at the NARC starting at 12:00;
18 July – Intechnet at 19:30 on VHF/UHF/MICROWAVE matters;
24 July - RTA symposium in Cape Town;
21 August - RTA symposium in Port Elizabeth;
31 August - Closing date for submission of proposals for the 2011 SARL Contest Manual;
18 September - RTA symposium in Gauteng;
30 September – closing date for phase 1 of the Innovation project.

SARL News invites clubs and individuals to submit news items of interest to radio amateurs and shortwave listeners. Submit news items, if possible, in both English and Afrikaans to, not later than the Thursday preceding the bulletin date.

The SARL also invites you to listen to Amateur Radio Mirror International every Sunday morning at 10:00 CAT on 145,750 MHz in the Pretoria-area, with relays on 7 082, 7 205 and 17 560 kHz. There is also a podcast by ZS6RO. For a webstream and Echolink by ZS6FCS, visit, click on 'ARMI' and follow the links. A repeat transmission can be heard on Mondays at 21:00 CAT on 3 215 kHz. Sentech sponsors the ARMI transmissions on the non-amateur frequencies.

You have listened to a bulletin of the South African Radio League, compiled by George, ZS6NE. Thank you for listening, 73.

Copyright © 1997- 2006  South African Radio League
Last modified: 14 April 2003